What misunderstanding do we have about oil?

发表日期:2023-02-11 访问量:9742

Oil, like the blood of the engine, flows and lubricates every part of the engine. Use and choose the right oil, can effectively protect the engine, prolong the service life of the engine.

If we understand and use the wrong oil, it will cause a series of problems and failures of the engine, not only increase fuel consumption, but also cause engine wear and so on.

So what are the misunderstandings we have about oil in general?

1. The more oil you add, the better

The more oil is not added, the better, to control the amount in a certain range, the better is between the oil scale value. Too much oil will channeled into the combustion chamber, participate in the combustion of carbon deposit, carbon deposit too much, will also increase the car fuel consumption, produce a series of problems.

2. Blindly choose imported high-end oil

Choose oil as we eat daily, in line with their own appetite is better, not a big meal is good for the body. High-end imported oil generally has high viscosity. For ordinary family cars, it is not suitable for high viscosity oil, which can not only achieve lubrication effect, but also cause engine wear and reduce the service life of the engine.

3. Does the blackened oil mean an oil change

Oil turning black does not mean oil deterioration, it is not the standard that oil can no longer be used. Oil turning black is because the detergent added inside makes the oil slowly turn black when filtering and cleaning the engine.

4, often add oil without replacement

It is a good habit to check and view the engine oil at ordinary times. If you find that the oil level is lower than the scale, it is necessary to replenish the fluid, but it is not enough to supplement the oil to solve the problem. The oil has its service cycle, and the service life will need to replace the oil.

In the process of oil use, the oxidation and volatilization of the final oil performance is also decreasing, and the loss of lubrication effect is simply replenished. It is unable to make up for the loss of oil performance.

And if the vehicle does not exist the phenomenon of burning oil, it is not encouraged to mix the old and new oil, can be replaced after the maintenance cycle. Because the old oil oxide content is high, the addition of new oil will accelerate the oxidation rate, shorten the service life of the new oil, and the mixed lubricating oil itself lubrication effect is poor, there is a certain wear on the engine.


