Synthetic oil related introduction

发表日期:2021-06-19 访问量:34638

Synthetic oil is synthetic oil manufactured by human using chemical methods, synthetic oil can change various components according to the purpose of use. The development of synthetic oil began in the 1930s, when some chemical factories began to develop and produce synthetic oil due to the stringent conditions of aircraft oil use, which required a higher performance oil. Synthetic oil is the product of modern chemical technology.

There are many advantages of synthetic machinery, such as the lubricating property of synthetic oil is higher than that of mineral oil, the friction resistance is small, the oxidation is not easy, and the cleanliness is strong.

Semi-synthetic and fully synthetic oils are two classifications of motor oils (fully synthetic oils have no mineral oil in them, and semi-synthetic oils have more or less no mineral oil in them). The bigger difference is that the fully synthetic oil is used at a wider temperature and for a longer life. The same oil film requirements, synthetic oil can be achieved with a lower viscosity, and semi-synthetic oil needs to use relative to the synthetic oil thicker viscosity to achieve such requirements. In other words, a synthetic oil with a lower viscosity can protect the engine in the same operating environment. In the same working environment, synthetic oil has a much longer life than semi-synthetic oil, so although the cost is higher, compared to the number of oil changes, it is not much higher than mineral oil.

Synthetic oils have the following characteristics compared with semi-synthetic oils:

1, the full synthetic oil has better high and low temperature performance;

2. Longer oil change cycle;

3, suitable for more severe car conditions.

相关标签: 润滑油 发动机润滑油
