Avoid these mistakes by using automotive lubricants

发表日期:2021-01-27 访问量:29640

Automobile lubricating oil is an important guarantee of the automobile, can be said to be the blood of the automobile, automobile lubricating oil is mainly used in the activity between the parts of the initiator, play the role of lubrication, prevent serious wear between parts and parts. In addition to this main function, it has some "additional functions". For example, cooling, cleaning, sealing and leakage prevention, rust prevention and corrosion prevention, shock buffering and other uses, the role can be seen. Changing oil is one of the routine maintenance items in automobile maintenance. So what misunderstanding do you need to pay attention to when using changed lubricating oil?



Lubricating oil often add do not change often reflect on the lubricating oil is correct, but only supplement not change can only compensate for the lack of oil quantity can not fully compensate for the loss of lubricating oil function. In the process of use, the quality of lubricating oil will gradually decline due to pollution, oxidation and other reasons. At the same time, there will be some consumption, so that the quantity will be added. In addition, does the car oil turn black need to be changed? No, the blackening oil does not mean that it has been transformed. The quality of the brand oil on the market today is quite high, and it can adhere to the lubrication function under high temperature conditions.

The following misunderstandings need to pay attention to

1. Additives are very useful. Real high quality lubricating oil is a finished product with a variety of engine maintenance functions. The formula has contained a variety of additives. Especially today's additives a lot of fake goods, the damage on the initiator is quite large.

2. When the lubricating oil turns black, the oil should be changed. The lubricating oil used by modern automobiles is generally added with noise decomposition agent. The hustle agent will adhere to the piston on the film and black carbon washing up, and dispersed in the oil, add the generation of high temperature precipitate, so the lubricating oil used for a period of time after the color is easy to turn black, but at this time the oil has not completely metamorphosed. So it's not accurate.

3, the amount of automobile lubricating oil can be more than more lubricating oil should be controlled in the oil ruler between the upper and lower scale line. Due to too much lubricating oil will be from the cylinder and piston clearance into the extinguishing chamber to form carbon. These carbon deposits will increase the compression ratio of the initiator and add the tendency of detonation; Carbon deposits in the cylinder is red hot shape is also easy to cause early combustion, such as falling into the cylinder will aggravate the wear of the cylinder and piston, but also accelerate the pollution of lubricating oil. Secondly, too much lubricating oil added to the crankshaft connecting rod stirring resistance, so that fuel consumption increases.

4, the use of domestic car export oil as the saying goes that mountain pigs can not eat fine bran, a lot of things are the demand to tailor, adapt to the situation, not the export of oil will be the better the effect, because most of the export oil viscosity is low, does not comply with the requirements of domestic car oil viscosity. In addition, the thermal expansion coefficient and clearance of the materials of various auxiliary parts of the domestic initiator are larger than those of the export car, and most of the domestic initiator does not have an oil radiator. If the blind use of export oil will cause the oil pressure to be low because the engine oil is too thin at the normal working temperature, and even the working pressure cannot meet the requirements of normal lubrication, so that the wear of the engine will be intensified.

The more oil viscosity is used, the better some owners think that high viscosity lubricating oil can maintain the engine, and some owners think that the use of low viscosity oil can save oil, these ideas are there are certain misunderstandings. In order to prevent friction of the internal parts of the initiator, the oil must have sufficient viscosity, otherwise it cannot form adequate oil film maintenance at running temperature. However, the use of large sticky automotive lubricating oil will lead to slow internal oil activity, increased resistance, fuel consumption, but also reduce the power output of the engine.

相关标签: 润滑油 发动机润滑油
