Lubricating oil replacement, mixing, substitution principle

发表日期:2021-01-06 访问量:24405

After the use of lubricating oil for a period of time, due to the oxidation of itself and the influence of external factors in the process of use, it will gradually change to scrap, timely change of lubricating oil, maintenance equipment, waste oil is very meaningful.

1. Oil change period of lubricating oil

1) Regarding the main and key equipment of the enterprise, the oil change period should be determined according to the inspection and analysis of the lubricating oil in use. At present, the more scientific and reliable method to determine the oil change period of lubricating oil is to suspend the current inspection and analysis of the lubricating oil in use. According to the rules, the oil samples are extracted to detect its viscosity, flash point, machine impurities, moisture, acid value and corrosion and other physical and chemical purposes. According to the test results, the quality of oil is assessed and whether the oil can be changed. When inspecting and analyzing in detail, there are several points to pay attention to: ① the oil sample should be representative. Samples should be taken when the oil has been circulated for a long time and the lubrication system is in hot operation. Samples should be taken before new oil is added. ② Sampling tools and oil containers should be clean. (3) To master the technical data of the new oil and the amount of lubricating oil, so as to compare and distinguish.

(2) For common machinery and equipment (less tank capacity), visual diagnostic oil change method can be used to determine the oil change period. (refer to simple identification method) Visual diagnosis oil change method is to use the oil sample, the same variety and brand of standard new oil in the glass test tube, after visual determination of the color, smell, feel of the oil sample and whether there are machine impurities and other comparison reflection based on experience to identify whether the need for oil change.

2. Mixed criterion of lubricating oil

(1) Under normal circumstances, mixing should be avoided as far as possible. Because the equipment uses mixed oil, it is more difficult to find the reason if the defect is assumed. In addition, the mixed use of different lubricating oil is difficult to suspend the exact investigation of oil quality.

(2) In the following circumstances, oil can be mixed: (1) similar production quality is basically similar, or high quality oil mixed with low quality oil is still used for the original use of machinery and equipment. (2) The need to adjust the viscosity of oil and other physical and chemical functions, using the same kind of oil mixed with different brands. (3) Different kinds of oil, assuming that you know two kinds of mixed oil are not added additives, or one of them is not added additives, or two oil are added additives but can not respond to each other, ordinary can also be mixed, but mixed for high quality oil quality will be reduced.

(3) About the oil products that do not know the function, assuming that it really needs to be mixed, it is required to make mixing experiment before mixing (such as taking the two kinds of oil to be mixed at 1:1 mixing temperature and stirring evenly), to observe whether the mixed oil has abnormal phenomena such as odor or precipitation, assuming that the odor or precipitation is found, it can not be mixed. Conditional unit, good to determine the main physicochemical function of lubricating oil before and after mixing.

(4) Inspect the equipment mixed with oil in operation, observe the color and color of the oil, oil temperature and other application conditions at any time, and change the new oil in time if there is any abnormality, so as to avoid equipment wear and tear which may cause equipment accidents.

相关标签: 润滑油 发动机润滑油
